
Wednesday, May 11, 2016


No one much liked today's Argentinian film.

But I did. There were even a couple of familiar actors!

El Tercero / The Third One (2014)

A gay couple decides to find a third man on line to shake up their own relationship.

Once they find the young man and things become less than theoretical, the reality of the encounter affects each man in different ways.

All of them good as far as I am concerned.

I know from personal experience that three-ways are pretty tough to carry out without some problems. The biggest is that someone is likely to be left out.

Happy to say that does not happen here, a spoiler, but it might encourage you to know that a good time is had by all including the viewer. And it seems likely that there is even a future for the three guys.

At least they say so.

The big thing is that neither of the couple is threatened by what happens.

Nor is the younger man.

I won't say a lot more about this.

The reviewer at the link complains that there was too much time spent on the sexual part. Huh?

It is very erotic but not gratuitous. There is still a creepy kind of puritanism in all of us.

This kind of film can go a far way to break through that hypocrisy and help make people happier.

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