Tuesday, May 24, 2016
A good stew does not require elaborating on its constituent parts.
If it is good, well that is enough. If it is bad don't eat it.
For awhile it was touch and go with today's film.
Une Nouvelle Amie / My New Girlfriend (2015)
Romain Duris is not quite convincing as a transvestite but then few transvestites are convincing. Look at the hands, the legs.
But that is not the point. The desire to cross-dress is a thing that is inside people. How they act it out is sometimes not pretty but that they can be brave enough to be themselves is quite thrilling.
Think about it. The looks, the jibes. In many cases, the violence. It scares the shit out of some men. They react.
This film takes a lot of risks. Not the least of which is to cast one of the most masculine of film stars in the key role.
His best friend, actually the best friend of his recently deceased wife aids and abets his transition. Trans-ition.
What makes this work? I do not know. I am resistant to the whole idea of drag queens. But this guy is not a drag queen. The drag is not a costume. The inner female is very strong. And so on.
I liked this film a lot and would be willing to watch it again so it is a 4 out of Netflix5. Not bad from one of those guys, me, who is not very transfriendly.
I have an acquaintance who has transitioned. I have seen him a few times since. It is a bit of a surprise at first but one which is easily managed. I have never equated being gay with being either female or a drag queen. I feel pretty secure. So I can hug my friend and wish him well. And admire his courage to carry on with his inner man/woman.