
Saturday, May 07, 2016

Running scared 

Suddenly, the GOoPers find themselves understanding the story of Dr. Frankenstein.

As the Trumpfer makes even more progress there are cries of alarm and a definite sense of foreboding. Some predict the end of the Party.

But didn't that already happen? Sometime back there when Romney lost and the crazies took control and they decided to make Obama lose no matter what?

Well, they lost at their own game.

Now no-one can stand up to the demagogue who moved into the power vacuum.

For one thing, he had his own money so no one could bribe him to fall in line. Another thing is that they never really took him seriously.

What they forgot is that they had provided him with a pre-stirred pot of malcontent voters who are just simply pissed off and feel left behind. The former (southern mostly) Democrats, the religionists (almost), the downtrodden and the mean bastards who are cranky about everything all the time.

A sick coalition who have found "their man" in one of their oppressors. The big rich bastard who never thought a thing about them until he needed the rabble to storm the gates.

And so on. Rant, rant, rant.

As you sow so shall ye reap. And so on.

Now, no one wants to be the Veep. They are running away.

It is interesting to watch stalwarts like Paul Ryan deal with this. He is young enough to be the one who steps in to pick up the pieces. Maybe.


Here is more if you want to read about it. Fascinating.

Republican Party Unravels Over Donald Trump’s Takeover

Whew. And in my lifetime. One thing after another.

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