Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Primary woes
A long and plodding primary season has hurt Hillary Clinton.
And part of that is the continued agitation from the Berners.
Explaining Hillary Clinton’s Lost Ground in the Polls
What I think we are seeing are bounces.
First bounce is Trump basically winning the Republican nomination. Conventional wisdom, which is conventional because it is usually correct, says that this will cause a bounce for the candidate.
The "know nothing" voters will follow along temporarily because sheep!
The Democrats are engaged in a philosophical battle between Sanders and Ms. Clinton. The ideologists do not give up as easily as the wing nuts.
They will hold out for Bernie whether it hurts Ms. Clinton or not.
I have written here about this. It pisses me off.
It is too early to conclude anything from all this but as a fan boy of the process I am beginning to re-up with some of the more interesting political blogs. The ones I put aside four years ago.
Here. You might want to do the same.
TPM used to called Talking Points Memo. It has interesting insights into what is going on. Today the headline is about Trump's bump. Right on time.
If you do not mind wandering off the path a bit, FiveThirtyEight is a mishmash and always fun. Run by Nate Silver, the political prognosticator, it provides useful color to a lot of stuff other than politics. Today, how the media gets around using the term "groin" when a player gets kicked in the balls. Fun. Mr Silver, incidentally, has a pretty good record of prediction although he missed Trump by a mile. He admits it prettily.
And, to really piss you off we have The Drudge Report
Rhymes with "sludge". Drudge is an aggregator. Nothing but headlines, dense and hard to read. But he finds acorns like no other squirrelly sniffer. You have to comb in the denseness to find an acorn but it is there. The other thing is that Drudge is an asshole and revels in it. If you are entertained by grandiose bigotry, Drudge is your man. He is kind of funny too. He wears a fedora type hat just like the old time reporters from those Thirties movies. If you can see through the bluster, he does have a keen ear for the rumor, the innuendo and especially the mean and vicious. Just the spice that is needed in the midst of the slog and bore of the rest of the political news. Drudge covers everything too. Funny, usually. A Drudge sampler from today: Zuckerberg building secure bunker?, Residents Stunned by Military Drill-Explosions, Helicopters...'Did We Go to War?', Falling toilets snarl traffic on LA freeways...
See? Matt is totally the leading yellow journalist of the internet.
I did not intend to make this about Drudge but I have to admit he gets the adrenaline flowing in me like no other. I like that actually. Love thy enemy because s/he will amuse you.
Labels: Democratic primary, Republican primary