
Monday, May 02, 2016

Pissing in the soup 

Donald Trump's success in the primaries has brought about a singular opportunity for Republicans in this state to be important on the national scene.

But it ends up being a curse. A problem. Trump is not a party player and is only by chance a Republican.

And he is a New Yorker.

He is not very popular here and there will be a primary fight.

California Prepares for Long-Denied Star Turn in Presidential Race

The thing is that our primary comes after many of the others and as a result we are always the after thought.

Not so this time.

There will be a fight for delegates and it is heating up nicely.

Nothing like watching the other side getting into a circular firing squad.

As for the Democratic side, there is no real excitement here. Sanders would do better among west coast liberals and there are a lot of us but that race is essentially over.

Any votes Sanders gets will be symbolic, a kick in the ass for the Clintons. But to no effect.

First, the Clintons do not care and second, the outcome is already forgone.

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