Saturday, May 28, 2016
Today's film comes close up to a family and their housekeeper or maid or servant or, well, part of the family?
Que hora lea volta / The Second Mother (2015)
The housekeeper's daughter comes to visit her mother and stays in the same house as the family
A careful balance is thrown off. Modern values clash with traditional. The daughter asks why her mother defers?
At the insistence of the family (mostly the father who is smitten) the daughter stays in an extra bedroom. Mom doesn't want her to. It is not her place.
From there, a quiet hell breaks loose including probable sex with the teenage son. A guess.
This is like a tempest in a teapot. The winds swirl and we get to watch the currents and who and how things change.
All the principals are wonderfully cast. The wimpy father, the cold tough mother, the nice but innocent son.
Regina Casé plays the housekeeper. She holds the screen in her hands and our heart.
I liked this film a lot. It sometimes blows hot and sometimes cold. Not everything works but that is easily dismissed. I wanted to get to the next phase.
The housekeeper is wonderfully present for us. We see all of her, even her thoughts.
The ending is worth the wait although I thought it a bit long at two hours. I did look at my watch.
Labels: films