Friday, April 01, 2016
Today is our forty first anniversary as a couple.
John and I met sometime in April of 1975 and so we adopted this day as our time of meeting.
We were both just out of the closet and he answered an ad I had put in the alternate weekly personals.
We met on City Hall Plaza. I can still see him walking toward me on the huge brick courtyard. I knew it was him.
We didn't waste any time. The deal was to get acquainted at Peter's Plum, a bar right on the corner of the Plaza and we did. In about fifteen minutes.
We went back to my place six blocks away and the rest is history.
He still reminds me that I walked him through the dumpster basement entrance. The shortest distance between two points.
I will not go further on what happened at my place that day but I can say that I still remember most of the details.
It took us a long time to get over the suddenness of our attraction. It just didn't seem right to get hooked up so quickly.
A lot of men and a lot of time and a lot of turmoil led us to finally surrender to the inevitable.
There are all kinds of things I could say about this meeting. Fate? Desire? Good luck?
I do not question any of it.
Here we are, still together, on another coast doing as well as two old guys can do who do not feel old. Still living the dream.
Yes, a cliché, but a true one nonetheless.

Labels: anniversary