Wednesday, March 30, 2016
This article outlines my take on the GOP primary and its candidates exactly.
Who are the Angriest Republicans?
I will cut to the chase. It is not the plutocrats who have always been at the heart of the party. It is not the Mr. and Mrs. Smith down the road who don't want to get any dirt on their shoes. It is, for sure, not the business or professional class.
It is the know-nothing hardscrabble of resentful whites who have seen their world slip into an abyss to deep to get out.
They are the new "niggers". The reviled and discriminated against.
I grew up in Appalachia and retain some of the attitude these folks have. It would seem that betrayal has added to their alienation.
Trump, the rich bastard, appeals to them in some kind of sick way which I do not understand. Trump is their oppressor. But so much for all that. It is a reality.
The disaffected turn to the "leader", the one who has the simple answers.
Never mind that he has and is made his money off their backs.
Labels: Republican primary