Saturday, March 12, 2016
under culture
There is a strata of the social scheme that is not an alternative culture exactly; more non-culture.
Independents, free thinkers, the off beat and eccentric. Often for the sake of being off beat and eccentric.
Of course, among these people are some who are actually more bound up in being counter than people who are not. Or something.
Richard Linklater uses the word
Staged as a documentary almost a hundred of Linklater's friends and acquaintances line up to give their view of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
A delightful conceit, this film is as fresh as the first time I saw it at the Coolidge Corner Theater (way off the main line) many years ago. Well, 25 years ago to be exact. We stood in line to do it.
Innovative and always entertaining, somehow Linklater manages to make fun of people without seeming to do so. It helps that these are actors but the feel of the film is that they are for real.
I love this movie and see it every few years. It is a 5 on the Netflix5 scale.
I like Linklaters later work and will see more over the next couple of days but this is where it started.
Labels: best films, films