
Tuesday, March 15, 2016


I am watching Richard Linklater films.

Today, the first of three that star Julie Depy and Ethan Hawk.

Before Sunrise (1995)

This film is all talk. The couple meet "cute" on a train and apparently decide that this is their moment with no future plans. No romantic interest.

They are smart and snappy and enjoy each other's company. It is like listening in to a couple you might see in a restaurant who look like they are very friendly but just friends.

It is interesting how Linklater is able to keep the hump and bump stuff out of this situation. And keep it interesting.

Love and respect happens of course and we know now that this couple will meet at least two more times in two more films.

That will be in real time when they are older and presumably wiser but probably not any wiser than anyone else.

That this can keep my interest still is quite surprising. It seems as fresh as when I first saw these two. A 5 out of Netflix5 by definition. Reruns.

As a kind of joke, they appear in the cartoon feature that I saw yesterday Waling Life.

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