
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The medical beat 

I am in pretty good health for a guy my age.

Or any age.

I have good genes.

But I have hit a bit of a rock in the path. My kidneys are not working up to full speed.

I spent time with my regular Doctor Jim this morning. John went along.

I have a few symptoms and it is becoming clear that I am also a borderline diabetic.

This is my Dad's health career. My father's son.

But then I am my own man too so I will march on and follow directions as well as I can.

I am going to a nephrologist already and am seeing him every four months.

I know this is too much information for casual readers but there it is.

My life is an open blog.

And this shit is real so it is fair game.

How about me? I am not too daunted by it.

No one ever told me that aging would be easy nor life either. I have had my share of stuff along the line and have learned that the thing to do about it is not to run around with my hair on fire but to just walk the next step and do the next indicated thing and the rest will be taken care of.

That has worked up to now so I will keep on doing it.

Tomorrow the lab, then the kidney guy in March and so on.

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