
Wednesday, March 02, 2016


The perfect film.

So elusive.

But this one comes close.

Le Samouri / The Samurai (1967)

By Jean-Piere Melville and starring Alain Delon.

There are surfaces in this film, the sets seem three dimensional. So do the faces.

At one level this is just a routine thriller about a hit guy who is on hire for anyone who needs someone dead.

But it is almost as though each frame is honed to a sharp edge.

Many of the spaces are very theatrical and make no attempt at realism.

One of the stars is a bird in a cage. I worry about that bird and what might have happened to him.

This movie makes one care. So much.

I have seen it several times and each time a new layer uncovers. Today, it was the sets. Another time, the acting. So evidently acting and not an attempt to make it natural.

Delon has scenes that transfix.

I guess I liked this movie a lot. I will surely see it again sometime. That is a 5 out of Netflix5.

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