Monday, March 21, 2016
Fucked over
Someone is being conned.
It is either me or the kids in this picture. Maybe both.
With an IMDb rating of 7.6, I expected more. So much for expectations.
I am not sure where or how I heard of this picture or why I ordered it but it is just a compendium of injustice and unhappiness in either Taiwan or maybe Hong Kong.
Teen agers are having troubles and no one gives a shit.
As it turns out, neither do I.
There is a lot of rain in this picture. Incessant. Also tears. Poverty. Obsession with pinball machines and occasional juvenile sex. There are a couple of times we watch a kid jerk off. Well, we do not see it but we see him straining at it.
I have no idea why I ordered this. The reviewer seems to think it is high art. If me, my, the viewer's suffering is a symptom of art then he is correct.
I gave up on it. That makes it a 1 out of Netflix5. A rare event as I am very careful with my reviews and screening before I rent something.
What a wasted of time.
I could pretend that I ever saw it but honesty precludes not mentioning this stain on my DVD curatorial skills.
Add it up. Taiwan (or Hong Kong), kids, neon, something about a false god and relentless rain.
Labels: films