Monday, March 14, 2016
Dream world
Richard Linklater brings his "odd" viewpoint of the world to this adult cartoon.
The entire film is a dream but one of those real ones where you aren't sure you are dreaming because you can see yourself being asleep and all that weird shit.
Perfectly depicted in "adult" cartoons and drawings, this world is evoked in a way that one could never portray with live actors.
But Disney it is not.
I enjoyed this the first time and really listened this time.
The whole thing is like a seminar in the meaning of life. Like Linklater's other films people talk and talk and talk. But it is the kind of talk one wants to hear. There is no room for side distractions. Best watched alone.
I have seen it a couple of times. Will see it again. That makes it a 5 out of Netflix5.
Labels: best films, films