Tuesday, March 01, 2016
Dinner talk
Last night we were talking about what The Clintons were doing to prep for a Trump GOP nomination.
Now, as if in answer to our questions, we have this.
Inside the Clinton Team’s Plan to Defeat Donald Trump
Like most "inside stories", this one doesn't tell us much and see-saw back and forth between one opinion and another but the energy is very clear.
They are ready or getting ready. He will be taken seriously. It will be rough.
I think that it will have to be mean and brutal. A takedown.
On target, as usual in my opinion, is Bill who takes the Trumpfer seriously and is ready to roll.
I am glad for this.
There can be a tendency for The Clintons to take things for granted.
Look. The Clintons come out of Arkansas. Have you ever been there? I have. I trained there a couple of times and rode in cabs with mouthy, opinionated, red neck drivers. It pleased me that I never had to go back. Granted, they didn't want me either. The kind of rebellious no-nothing business guys who mocked before they even heard "the gospel" that I was preaching. No wonder those holy rollers have to shout them down.
As a bona-fide child of red-neck families I can attest to the need for hanging tough in their midst.
They might not like you but you will be respected*.
Trump is a bully. Rubio and the others are beginning to get the picture. A little late I think. He will get votes from people that will cheer for the bull in a bull fight. More gore, more.
I have to admit that I like it too.
Batten down the hatches. Even though "they" say that The Donald can still lose, I am not counting on it. The GOP cannot reign him in and no one save Rubio is going to catch him.
Carson and Cruise are only hurting the cause by not folding and giving Rubio their support. But I am not a good coach for the GOoPers. Let them flounder.
*More polls Clinton vs Trump
Labels: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton