Friday, March 18, 2016
Turtle soup
The voice of the turtle*, Mitch McConnell is heard.
Merrick Garland Visits Capitol as G.O.P. Digs In Against Vote
Garland is a great choice. First of all he is a good guy as far as I can see. Second, it is a very skillful play by Obama to make the GOoPers show their obstructionist and dickhead behavior in living color. Embarrassment.
McConnell is one of the least attractive members of The Congress. A gulping red-faced duffer who looks like he is out of air. And he does look like a turtle.
It is all part of the great game and Obama is a player of high skill. I am sure that Garland knows he is a pawn in both sides' game but some people like this kind of thing and crave the attention. Besides, it is a great honor, period.
*For the scholars and nitpickers among us I am including a source which discusses why the King James version of The Bible has this turn of phrase. Hermeneutics. If you read the comments you will see that basically no one knows but I like that the voice of the turtle is mute and so is the voice of God. Or something. I am not going there today. This is left as an exercise for the reader. And Mitch Fucking McConnell the turtle head wh should also mute himself.