
Saturday, March 19, 2016


One of the treats to be savored during any election is the wit of Gail Collins.

Today, she weighs in, again, on the dire straits in which the GOP finds itself.

One wonders if there is a GOP anymore.

50 Ways to Leave The Donald

In this she describes the dilemma of a political Party which is being hijacked by a plutocrat. It is interesting that the Party used to be run but the plutocrats, Romney their poster child. But the extreme right wing has hijacked the Grand Old Party and taken its "straight" members hostage.

The crazies are needed for anything to happen for them in any year upcoming.

At least the Democrats' crazies are retired lefties who have little political sense and almost nothing newsworthy to say. Since most of those are in Minnesota or Wisconsin their words do not reach the Coasts anyway.

I liked this.

Rational Republicans are desperately trying to figure out a way to get rid of Donald Trump. Their desperation is so great, you’d expect someone to release a herd of crocodiles on Mar-a-Lago.

I think that she means alligators but the image is still a vivid one.


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