Saturday, February 13, 2016
Obama is here for the seventh time as President.
It is like the old Gerald Ford days only the Democratic version.
There is not much disruption but then I do not run around enough to get into any traffic jams or anything. I am a happy recluse and stay at home.
As it happens, there will be only one day of dodging. On Monday, I will not go my usual path to the gym.
They close the roads around the airport that provide provide a shortcut.
But that is all.
It is believed that he will have a home here when he retires, not full time, the vacation kind.
They have friends here.
There is a mild frisson from it all. A bit of a thrill. I have the impression that, like the Fords, they are low profile people and when the dust settled the Ford family moved freely around the valley and were pretty much treated to muted respect but very little gawking.
But for now, I am gawking and while not at the airport fence waiting for a look at him I am happy that he is here and will get a boost from seeing Air Force One on Monday.

Labels: Obamas