
Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Brazilian version 

The whore with a heart of gold finds a new set of trappings.

Aya Arcos / Live for the Moment (2014)

This unreviewed Brazilian film covers a lot of familiar ground.

A client falls for a hooker. Then realizes that romance may not be possible.

In the process, there is quite a bit of romance, but fate intervenes, The client is a famous writer and cannot get down and dirty. I think that is the problem.

Societal barriers and all.

This is a very good looking film. Rio, the men, the whole setup in a rainy heavily tiled street way.

There is a great walk on by some beautiful siamese kittens.

There is a second hustler, jealously messing with the two guys.

This is a nice gentle film which is good to look at and with a conventional but not heartbreaking resolution.

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