
Saturday, January 02, 2016

Rock and a hard place 

Today, a documentary about the installation of the big rock at the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art.

Levitated Mass (2014)

It is interesting enough but not something you just have to see.

It is a rock after all. Not even unique. It is from a quarry just over the hill from us in Riverside CA so that is interesting.

This is all in the category of what I think of as practical jokes played on the public by artists who are very skillful at turning the every-day into a special event.

There is nothing wrong with that. After all, an oil painting is also a fake thing. Not real. Just paint on canvas or something else.

There are centuries of debate here and I am poorly qualified to go much further.

Sadly, there was a small fault in the last part of the disc and I missed the end. Let me put it this way. I am not going to re-order the disc so I can see the last part of the film.

A 3 out of Netflix5.

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