Monday, January 18, 2016
Evangelical denial
I had wondered what the evangelicals thought about hard living Donald Trump.
I see that they are in complete denial.
Evangelicals See Donald Trump as Man of Conviction, if Not Faith
Well, conviction passes I guess.
Three wives, a gold collar upbringing, all that. I don't have any problem with Trump's "faith" or anyone else's really. Unless they try to jam their faith into me. But it is pretty clear that it is a stretch to find Trump meets the usual evangelical test.
That is the thing about the Christers and bible thumpers. They are as crass and screwed up as everyone else. Inconsistent. I think the word I am reaching for is "hypocritical".
In fact, the only candidate who I know might pass their test would be the execrable Mike Huckabbee. A gold plated asshole and two faced bastard.
Sorry. I seem to have lost it there. Huckabee really pisses me off.
What this boils down to is that these "people of faith" are just another voter bloc and they know it.
When I was a kid, any preacher who spoke politics from the pulpit was seriously reprimanded for it. And this was the Methodists of that time which, amazingly, were among the more liberal denominations.
I would see people get up and leave at even the hint of a political opinion from the front of the church.
Times have changed.
I will admit that, as a gay man, I feel wounded by "the church" and church people. But I know that many if not most of them are not of that sort. Nevertheless I do not expect much from most "good christian folk". I usually take the other side of the road if I see them coming.
As for Trump, who the hell knows? He is a blowhard. Jesus had no comment on that as far as I know. He is rich as Croeus. Hard to walk through the eye of a needle on that one.
But this is not about Trump, trump trump trump. You have to admit it is a funny name if you repeat it often enough.
Labels: Donald Trump, GOoPers, Republicans