Saturday, January 23, 2016
Blizzards I have known
There is a kind of pleasure, as I recall, in just surrendering to a blizzard.
Easy for me to say, but now, away from all that, I remember blizzards fondly.
It is essential, in a blizzard, to just surrender. To let go. Stay in bed. Don't even shovel. Let it play out. The wind is going to fill the shoveled places anyhow.
In Case of Blizzard Do Nothing
A cardinal rule, actually, for one's life and safety.
One year, though, we bucked the odds and faced into the wind.
We had planned a Caribbean vacation and goddam it we were going to go on it.
When the snow hit we saw what was happening soon enough to book a flight from Newark to Miami. The problem was how to get to Newark.
We found out that the trains had started running and so we trekked from our apartment at Charles River Park through Beacon Hill and on to South Station. No cabs of course.
Hoots and hollers as we went along. Snowed in people wondering "what the fuck?". The photo shows some folks who found other possibilities with snow on Beacon Hill those days.
As it happened, the train did leave and unlike today's blizzard, the areas south of Boston got cleaner and cleaner as we went along.
We made the plane in Newark and arrived at our resort late the next morning I think. People there were still stranded in Florida because the flights were still not going back north and the planes had gotten all jiggered around. But there was a room for us. And we stayed warm. By the time we had to go back to Boston, the snow was cleared away and beginning to melt.
That was the blizzard of 1979 I believe. John and I had been together just a short time and it was a major adventure for us.
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