Sunday, December 13, 2015
Bruce La Bruce, writer and director, explores new ground here.
At least for gay cinema.
The straight Hollywood film makers have recognized the attraction of films about young and old lovers.
It is a universal theme really. We are all going to get old and there is always going to be an abundant supply of young people for the old to dote on.
Gay film has focused so on youth that it is a surprise to find this film and also to find it so sexy.
A coined word, actually, which doesn't ever go through the spellcheck.
The love of old people, sexuality implied.
In this film it is quite easy to accept the relationship between an orderly in an old persons "home" and a sweet gay man who is living out his years in sweet drug induced serenity.
They quit the meds and before we know it they are running away together.
An adventure.
What happens is for you to find out but I am rather sure you will like it.
The young man, Pier-Gabriel Lajoie, carries out his role with utter believability. And why not? There are sex scenes which are pretty sexy. And the talk is funny. Happy. There is nothing sad here.
There is another film on this film coming along soon. A new meme. Spring December gay lovers.
I would not mind seeing this again. A 4 out of Netflix5.