
Sunday, December 20, 2015

It begins 

Ms. Clinton went above the fray in last night's debate and went after the GOoPers.

In Democratic Debate, Hillary Clinton’s Focus Is on G.O.P.

Good for her.

It is a good example for the other side who are wrangling themselves into a frazzle.

It is not good for them to be doing it but I will be the last one to tell them to stop.

First there are so many of them it is hard to focus. Second, Trump sucks the air out of the room. He is a disrupter. A bloviator.

He demands a response so the rest of them scramble to keep up with his latest.

In the meantime, the Demos can have their debates and the primary to solidify the rank and file to get ready for the big one which now, according to Predictwise goes to the Democrats by a wide wide margin. Landslide size.

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