
Thursday, December 03, 2015


We have become inured to horror.

The shootings just over the hill from us in San Bernadino are shocking in and of themselves but all the more so in the light of the rash of such incidents.

How Often Do Mass Shootings Occur? On Average, Every Day, Records Show

This is not routine. It is regular as a heartbeat. A dying heartbeat. More below at the *.

The resistance to gun control does not waver, however.

I know. It is not guns that kill people but.....you know the tag line.

This is the NRA and such organizations that somehow think that the right to bear arms means we can all carry concealed and open. We can use the weapons at our own discretion and worst of all that it is our right to shoot on sight if need be. Or something. I can't even phrase what these pin heads believe.

I grew up with guns. I did not take to them. A gay boy, a sissy boy. I didn't like the bang and I surely didn't like the emphasis on performance. There is an old 8mm film somewhere of my Dad taking me up on the mountain to practice shooting. It is so embarrassing. I am totally out of my element. He so wanted a hunter and a "normal" mountain boy.

Let me just say that my Dad and I worked all that out. He was a kind and gentle man and he loved his son. He just could not figure me out. But then, with time and life success, he became a proud father and we ended good friends. A blessing.

I do not know why I am not interested in guns or shooting. It is just not in my makeup to kill anything. I had a shit time in the Army but I was in the Quartermaster Corps (cooks and bottle washers), an officer, and no one expected me to be able to defend myself.

So I have had a life without guns.

I can say categorically that being gay has shielded me. Gay men are not interested in weapons for the most part. Well, perhaps for a backdrop to some military fantasy. And then, the uniforms!

But to believe I have gun rights? Why the fuck why?

I am not a pacifist. I am not naive enough to believe that the meek shall inherit the earth. I support cops and armies and armed guards. There are bad guys out there just asking for it.

But for me, I will depend on those better able to use guns for my protection. Meanwhile, I will hide under a desk or something.

What is going on here? I have no theories. I do know that anyone brought up with guns in their home should respect them and either go get training on how to live with them or get rid of them. I gave my Dad's guns to his best friend Jim and eventually I got rid of the revolver we kept to, what? Protect ourselves? I do not know. I gave that gun to one of my sons I think. Let him figure it out and work it through.

There is one thing for sure. Having a real gun, cold metal, and ammunition in your possession will sober you up on this question. And if you come to any solid answers about whether you should have that weapon or use it, let alone anyone else, let me know. I do not. The genie is out of the bottle and it cannot be put back in.

** On Guns, We’re Not Even Trying


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