
Sunday, December 06, 2015

Call to arms 

I have seen wars and "actions" to keep peace all my life.

Because bad people have decided to act out and hurt innocent people. To rule the world.

We now face, yet again, a threat from people who are basically fascists. Not just extremists with a belief, but people who want to wipe you and me out. Gone. Hate is their commodity in carrying out hateful acts.

We, as usual, lie safe overseas. But we also have allies and interests that are being hurt and harmed and we need to pay attention.

Yet again, we are in the savage reaches of the Middle East.

It used to be that no one cared about what "those bastards do to one another" (my father's voice speaks from the grave) but those days are long gone.

It is all one, it is all now and we are in it whether we want it or not.

Listen to this great speech in Parliament by Hilary Benn.

He speaks to us here in our "safe haven" as much as to his own secure Island of free people.>



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