
Sunday, December 27, 2015


I am totally ignorant of the world of animo films.

Cartoon features made in Japan with a lot of wide eyed people.

I am not likely to start watching but I was fascinated to see inside one of the major studios that produces these films.

The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness (2014)

I liked it a lot. A high 3 out of Netflix5.

I am not likely to view any of these features but that is not the point of the film.

The "stars" are the founders of Ghibli, the company that turns these films out.

Their process is collegial but also autocratic. A nice blend of influence styles going on here.

You cannot beat success.

These are very engaging people and the documentary is interesting from beginning to end. A 3 out of Netflix5.

This preview trailer is in Japanese. Sorry. But you can see the beautiful photography and the people at work.

The film is subtitled.


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