Monday, November 30, 2015
Why did I rent this?
I should have known better.
I didn't much like Jimi in real life so why would I enjoy a biopic about him?
I couldn't finish it.
Jimi: All Is By My Side (2014)
So it is a bit unfair for me to gripe when I brought this on myself.
Jimi himself was a star and then be blew it. And it wasn't only the drugs. Or the race thing. It was the classic inability to accept success. Or something else. I was not there.
And I missed it on this bounce too.
I guess I do not understand the self destructive impulse. Self hatred. And don't point the finger at others. I won my own depression too. And it is up to me to do something about it. That doesn't hurt others or kill me.
Sorry if that is harsh but it is the long and short of it. Period. End of paragraph.
So it is a 1 out of Netfli5 for me. A rare bird since I so carefully curate the lists before I rent and watch anything.
Note to self: Beware of drugged out rock stars with a legend to fix or amend or polish. All of which seem to be the aim of this film.
A lot of what I saw featured his women who enabled him. The groupies. I don't know what you call them if there is no group but just one guy. Or girl.
The films is very dark, light wise. And for gods' sake stand back from the hairdos.
Labels: films