
Friday, November 20, 2015

In the fast lane 

Not one of my favorite times.

I am sitting here waiting to go over to the lab and give blood for my annual physical.

For which I am to fast 12 hours before.

One of the most difficult things to do. I have low impulse control and a rationalizing mind that wants to make me different from the herd.

The one guy who doesn't need to fast or, for that matter, have blood samples taken.

I don't mind the lab much. The technician will be affable and gentle and since waiting in line isn't my thing I will go early to be first in and first out.

Then I can come home and have some food and get the cobwebs out of my alimentary system.

I am easing up on the day. I had a meeting to attend that I didn't want to and did not have to attend so I just blew it off. It is a committee. A work session. I was only asked because I am the treasurer and they think I would want to be there. They are wrong. And they will do well without me.

It has taken a very long time to say "no thank you"' to things like this. But now I am more willing to put first things first and my serenity beats out sitting with a committee every time.


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