Monday, November 16, 2015
We do not get snow very often but we do get sand.
I gave up going to the gym this morning as we had 40-50 mile and hour wind gusts and blowing sand and debris. Branches, other shit.
A front was moving through and nothing was going to stop it from raising hell.
Marcus and I went out in it and he had a combination freak and peak experience. The freak part was the harshness and non-direction of the wind hitting him. The peak was the excitement. He ran in fits and starts testing it all out. And clearly enjoying himself.
By the time I had to go out for a meeting it had settled down. A lot.
Now it is just a breezy beautiful day.
A fringe benefit of it all is that we have snow in the mountains even though we got no rain here. Still a drought.
We are in a rain shadow, hence the desert. All our rain, what little there is for California now, is up there. But it is very pretty.
I don't think it will last very long but for now it is great to look at.

Labels: mountains, Palm Springs, snow, weather