
Thursday, October 08, 2015

Night time mission 

I just got back from a little walk down the street.

A neighbor who I do not know very well at all (nod hello, nod back) has had two different anti-Clinton bumper stickers on his car.

It is his right and privilege of course. And it has pissed me the fuck off for quite a while.

So I went and bought me a HILLARY bumper sticker (3 bucks from her site) as a retaliation.

This morning, in the dark of night, I walked down and affixed the HILLARY sticker to his car. Not too tight. Just enough.

We shall see what we shall see. I wonder how long it will take for him to figure it out.

Whatever the case, it is worth it.

I walked back to our condo feeling cleansed.

Now I have to say that I am really for Joe Biden but it will have to be Hill for now, for the joke.


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