Friday, August 28, 2015
The sad fact is that many gay themed short films are never seen.
Thanks to DVD compilations, there is a shot at some exposure. Otherwise only gay film festivals. Or, more rarely, short film fests.
Today a DVD with some shorts.
Quite a mix. A hustler seduces a "straight" man at the beach, a young girl discovers that her crush of the moment likes boys better than girls. A super fast seduction turns into an indictment of such quickies and in the most complex film, an elderly couple confronts one's need for religious support in his final days.
This seems to touch all the bases.
Not all of the shorts are created equal but they are equally entertaining or satisfying. One way or another. Nicely done.
A 5 out of Netflix 5 for the collection.
This film collection is so obscure that I cannot find a good image for it. Sad.