
Saturday, August 15, 2015

Air whatever 

I do not understand the attraction of all these amateur living sites.

What the fuck is wrong with people? Do they think that this is a trouble free world? And international hookups too.

Airbnb Horror Story Points to Need for Precautions

Precautions? I traveled for years and always took precautions. At hotels. At motels. At training centers and other stops on my journeys.

These were all places that were in the "hospitality" business and had some reputations to maintain.

Yeh. I stayed in a couple of hovels. A hotel for train employees comes to mind. But the problem was the lack of luxury. The poor have few choices.

But then that is not true either. Brand name hotels and motels come in all levels of cost.

Why would I even want to stay in someone's home? Some stranger?

When I was a kid, I remember that someone came to our door looking for a place to sleep. A couple.

My mother invited them in.

They used my room.

I can still smell the bastards. Musty, creepy, like a swamp.

And they were loud and, I suppose, drunks. And my god what a traumatic event.

Over the years we have invited people to stay over at our place. After all, we live in a resort. And when that is the case, people want to come visit.

We learned, after awhile, to be delighted if they wanted to visit the desert and provided them with some names of good hotels.

There is nothing worse than being trapped in one's own home by the unknown defects of casual friends.


What are these Airbnb people thinking?

It means "bed and breakfast". Jesus.

When I lived in Plymouth MA, we had some friends who ran a charming little motel. The horror stories. Even satanic rites. Not kidding.

People can be real idiots. Beyond naive. Actually, aided by a little profit motive we could all become victims pretty fast. And I am an optimist and believe I live in a safe world. Most of the time.


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