
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Country boy 

I grew up rural.

And couldn't get out fast enough.

Today's film has a lot to offer the memory bank. A lot about why I got out. Had to.

But it is nice to go back for an anonymous visit.

Rich Hill (2014)

Things do not seem to have changed except for the phones and the little gadgets.

But the feeling of ennui is palpable. The slow kids know they are going no where and even the smart kids are not sure.

On the other hand, it is quiet and serene. Simpler.

It is hard to know what to make of it all. I am glad that there is still a place like this to come home to or to be home.

There are no villains here. No social statements, well hardly any. It is a documentary. Watch. Listen. Take it in.

It sure beats going to Rich Hill to see for myself.

A Sundance Documentary Grand Prize.

A 3 out of Netflix5.

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