
Saturday, April 04, 2015


Today's film was a video of one of the most fascinating people of our time.

Steve Jobs: The Lost Interview (2012)

This is the release date of the video. The interview took place a long time earlier just when Jobs was about to return to Apple and was still working with his small company NeXT.

So, during this interview, we know the next thing that happened. Jobs triumphantly returned to his home company. It is kind of neat that we know more than they did in the interview. Although Jobs may have had an idea of it.

He is a charismatic guy. Impossible to quit watching.

And, coming as it does on the heels of my completion of the latest Jobs biography, it has a special kick for me. Becoming Steve Jobs: The Evolution of a Reckless Upstart>

I heartily recommend the book, incidentally. I have stopped reviewing books in the blog but this one is special.


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