Saturday, April 04, 2015
Light out
Marcus and I went out to pee this morning and I looked up at the sky as I always do.
There was the beginning of a lunar eclipse. The "blood moon"
I can see why it made the early people freak out. It is quite spooky when it is not expected.
It has happened fast.
I went and got John and we watched it creep to a complete wipeout which, as you know, is not really a black out. More a brown out.
It is quite something.
And to see it by accident was a particular thrill. I am not sure why I didn't know it was happening. actually. But there was that neat global cartoon showing the path of it about a week ago. I figured it would hit us in the daylight and then forgot about it.
Gee whiz! Holy kaboley!
Some of the christers think that this will be a part of the end times.
The same as the primitives.
But what do I know?

Labels: astronomy