
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I do not like a nag 

Have I mentioned that Elizabeth Warren gives me a big fat pain in my butt?

I am tired of her yap. I am tired of her ads. I am tired of her tirades.

Sit down Lizzie and do some real work for a change. It is not easy to turn the ship and people don't want to hear this incessant nagging.

There I said it and the earth has not split open and swallowed me up.

I have been accused as being misogynistic. So be it.

It is not that she is a woman. It is that she is an incessantly negative voice. I want to see something positive.

And quit pointing your finger.

She is a member of the "professional left". Makes her money out of it and is just as big a capitalist as the rest of us.

Remember, when one finger points out, three fingers point back at me.


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