Monday, April 20, 2015
Erotic lives
Today's movie was chosen because it stars Nicolas Cazalé who I am watching now but also Stephan Ridieu whose film I saw the other day.The three slaves are three brothers each reaching out to find a sexual identity. This is a blunt way of saying what is really an undercurrent in the film.
Only one brother, the youngest, Thomas Dumerchez, finds a healthy way out of his provincial life and into a happy adulthood. Surprisingly he is the gay brother.
We get to see three separate profiles. Each brother is in each segment but only one is featured. The other two are "background" but not really.
When we get to the youngest brother, who is gay, we learn that his coming out is with a friend of an older brother who has been around for the entire film. It is a nice surprise and very sweet.
This is, in a way, a message film, but it does not come off this way at all.
I came to see one of the stars and was treated to all three and a fine film.