
Sunday, March 08, 2015

Fifty years and more to go 

This is an amazing photo.

A re-creation with a new cast including a black President.

That is a lot of progress.

But there is still a lot more to do.

We all know that.

There is no point in beating the drum here.

Those of us who have reached the top of the mountain still owe something to those still left behind.

My perspective is one of being a gay man. Not the same thing as being black. But totally the same, in respect to the bigotry and hatred that hides in the byways and bushes along the road.

Inequality is built into our system and it has to be retracted and refracted every day.

By system I mean the big system. Capitalism, society.

But also the little system, the heart, the mind of all humans who distrust difference.

All of us.


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