Wednesday, March 04, 2015
Bachelors Hall
So our family was all together. Late planes and surprise layovers notwithstanding. Which basically cut a day off our daughter's visit.
Now John and Lisa (the daughter) are on their way to San Diego. They are staying at "my" hotel there. The Bay Club and Marina.
They will spend their time a bit different than I do when alone. They will be out on the town looking around. I sit on my balcony and look at the marina activity or go out along the Bay and walk and look and walk and look.
I suppose they will do some of that but anyone new to San Diego needs to visit more widely. More shore line, the city.
Here is the night view they will have.

Marcus and I are alone until Saturday night. This seemed to happen very suddenly this morning and I was struck with a case of "what will we do?"
But that passed. We do not have to do anything we do not normally do and what is more I so not have to cook dinner. I will have the morning walk duty but that will be instead of the gym. Nice change.
They have the Volvo and, while I could get my name on the rental, I have decided not to do that for now. I can get a few rides here and there and I am going to use this time to vegetate.
Read, sit, go to Meetings. Write, read. Be slow. Read. I have a considerable reading backlog.
I started to watch the longish film Violette with Emmanuelle Devos. A writer, Violette seeks a mentor in Simone de Beauvoir. They become friends, but Violette yearns for more.
It is pretty good so far and I will report tomorrow when I finish it.