Thursday, February 05, 2015
Violence porn
I am torn about whether or not to watch the execution of the pilot by ISIS.
The horror of it is considerable. Would I feel "bad"?
On the other hand, this is what happens in the world. Should I shut my eyes to it?
There was a very good debate about this on CNBC this morning. Morning Joe. I notice that they did not show it. Nor did I want them to. Not in the gym.
I remember the day they hit the twin towers. It was showing live as I went from the cardio to the weight section. It was so unbelievable that we couldn't stop looking. We gaped. And then, the second plane hit and that was just too much. I can still go back and have some of the feelings of it.
I could show you where I was standing on the gym floor at the time with the television on the upper deck showing the entire thing.
I think that it is a good decision by the networks not to show it. The one convincing argument about it is that the terrorists seek to terrorize and this is one way they do it. Not showing it cuts that off.
The other thing is that there is no control over who the audience is. And that is what the CNN people were talking about. They have the concern that the television receiver is on and warnings are not enough. Not enough time for people to get out of the way or to have kids move away.
I suppose there is an argument that says we should not shelter or be sheltered. And there is the question of motivation. Do I need to watch it happen to be horrified? I doubt it. I am pretty stirred up about it.
We do not have television. I use the net for such things. In this regard, I have choice, more choice, than if I looked up and saw something terrible happen. No warning.
Then there is the point that the people being burned or tortured didn't have a choice either.
I don't know.
Will I go watch it after typing this? I still do not know. I am pretty sure that it would not be for a second hand thrill. That is pretty clear.
In the end of this, right now, I think that it is a private decision. I will not report on what I decided or, if that is the case, what I saw.
I am just reminded about our propensity to watch death happen when it is a racing car or some other event. This is not that kind of seeing.
From what I understand, this is up close and personal. They used three cameras it is said.
Don't know.
I am reminded of the old saw "if in doubt do nothing".