
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Back to the future 

I went to the chiropractor today.

The news is pretty good.

I can pull back to a weekly visit for the next phase.

I can feel the difference in my back and legs and everything is stronger.

He says that I could go back to weight training at the gym and I am thinking about it.

I did do some ab work on the machines today. Working the other side of the deal. The front holds up the back and visa versa.

But at some point I have to be realistic about the weights. I am going to age out of it.

Everyone does except the phenoms who keep on going and probably use a few drugs here and there to keep their bulk.

Me? My bulk left a long time ago. Thankfully it didn't turn, too much, to fat like happens to a lot of ex-weight lifters.

I am still in good shape but I attribute that to the stationary bike and afternoon walks with the pooch.

Look at this old fart. He just looks silly to me. I can see his pacemaker!

But he does have the muscles.

I don't know.

Maybe I should consult someone. I do know a couple of trainer types.


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