Tuesday, January 13, 2015
A bit more normality today.
We went to pick up Marcus from the vet and brought him home.
He is a little dopey but seems to be doing fine. Hard that he can't tell us, in a way. On the other, it is obvious that he knows he is safe and with his Dads so silence might be just the thing.
When we arrived and he was brought out he was all excited and it seemed that there was nothing wrong at all. I met the vet who did the work. She is great as is the hospital.
We are home and trying to figure out what is probably not a complicated med schedule but seems so. We are kind of fucked up and out too. It all seems so hard, the new routine. But like anything we are just on the learning curve and we are not that dim bulbs.
For the moment we are eschewing the dread head cone. This may be risky but we shall see. He will be closely watched.
When we got home, the friskiness just went out of him and he mostly has slept.
Warm compresses for three days every four or five hours for five minutes. John has been assigned that one.
So this is our project for now. Not a bad piece of work given the importance of the big boy we are doing it for. Another side of love, it is not a chore.
Labels: Marcus, veterinarian