Sunday, January 11, 2015
Medical issues
We had to take Marcus to the vet today.
He swallowed something, a hard object now identified as a toy, and it wouldn't come out.
So, they went in and took it out and at the same time cleared another unidentified object from his intestine. Since they were in the neighborhood.
The vets are very good and he has already had his operation, will recuperate tomorrow and be ready to come home Monday afternoon (another word for "tomorrow") or Tuesday. I vote for Tuesday but that is not so much up to me. The day is already very busy. Chiropractor, a meeting, a date at the dentist.
But we will do what we need to do to get him home where he belongs.
It was very upsetting at first but we have talked to the surgeon and Marcus' regular vet and they say all is well.
We don't much worry about his missing us as he will be sedated right up to the return home.
Needless to say all of the smaller toys will be removed before he arrives.
No fun for anyone but we are very happy the news is good and his return imminent. It is very quiet around here just now.
Labels: Marcus, veterinarian