Saturday, January 24, 2015
Endless possibility
Suppose that at some point in your life you were forced to make a decision and you could not do it.
Such is the case in today's movie. A child is forced to decide between his mom and dad and in an instant views all possibilities that might occur. The movie is that minute.
We do not really know this at the beginning and I probably shouldn't tell you that but I do not think it will matter. You will love this movie as I now do. Or you will fucking hate it with a passion.
There is no linear story line. We are in the mind of a child as seen from the perspective of the old man, the last living regular man alive.
I am not sure what other men and women are like in this time frame but he is the only one of "us" left.
An interviewer asks him what his life was like or some such nonsense and the movie is his answer. It takes two and a half hours to get it done.
A lot happens. A lot of bits and pieces. A couple of the actors who play the man are Jared Leto. Actually, the old man telling the story, fantastic. And his middlish age self. Even better.
I will definitely see this film again not for its insights necessarily but for its keen perception and clean one off precision of the bits and pieces. They cohere even when the whole is not really in sight. Monumental editing and acting. To say nothing of the directing. Jared Leto, great, is the middle life man and the old old man. Directed by Jaco Van Dormael. I do not know if this had any commercial success at all but I did hear about it on Metacritic or someplace, part of my broad network to sniff out special films. Films that I will like. And my system works pretty well.
This is a 4 out of Netflix5. I can't promise that I will see it again but I would not mind doing it. Maybe in a couple of years. Also, great performances by Rhys Ivins and Sarah Polley.
Labels: films