Friday, January 30, 2015
It is hard to adapt any original material for film, let alone a musical.
Often what is charming and engaging on stage dies on the screen, the withers on the teevee version.
To all this critical nonsense I have to admit that I do not give a shit.
I will never go see the stage version. I am not in the great, late NYC swim.
So, my standards are twisted by being provincial. And so I find
great entertainment fun and worth a 5 out of Netflix5.
There is no way to make this appreciation abstract.
In a way you had to be there. All of it. The shows, the cars, the clothes and above all Franky and the boys.
This is a wonderful bath in the traditional bio-musical form. They pulled it off.
Directed by Clint Easta\wood of all people. Genius. It helps that the singing us quite immediate and real. The real actors, I believe, undubbed although I could be wrong about that part.
Sit back. Listen. Watch. See it all. The clothes, the shows, the music, the joy.
A 5. I want to buy this one.