Monday, January 26, 2015
I will not mention how great it is not to have a blizzard on our doorstep.
Powerful Nor'easterAlthough, I do have to admit that they were fun when they happened. For awhile.
The most memorable for us would be the '78 one. We had reservations in Key West for the third day, the very end of that one.
We were determined. We walked from Beacon Hill to Back Bay Station where the trains were said to be running.
So we trudged and got the first train going to New York.
In New York, we took a shuttle thing to Newark where there was a Key West flight in the afternoon. Probably our flight. But so much disruption made it OK with anyone who had tickets.
It left pretty much on time I think and we were in Key West that afternoon where there was a large contingent of Boston guys at our hotel due to return but now stuck.
As it happened, the people in our room did get out and so we had a place to stay. All in all, a miraculous journey.
A good end to salve our feelings from the mockery that we encountered trudging to the railroad station.
Fuck you. We made it and you did not.
I would be less than honest if I did not feel a little gloatful today. But our time here is long term and we have our own earthquakes and hot hot weather to compare. All in all I would take here rather than there but it all shakes out somehow.
This is Charles Street, the way we walked at just about the same time.

Labels: weather