
Saturday, December 06, 2014

Killer thriller 

Gay films have been made to fit all genrés.

Today's film is the horror, chiller, thriller scare fest film.

Solo / Alone (2013)

It is extremely well done. So much so as to take me completely aback at the outcome.

I could complain about this. The fact that it scared and upset the fuck out of me.

But I really cannot.

I think that is because it is so well done that it pulls the viewer in slowly and surely and then drops the net. Or the hammer as the case may be.

A guy meets another guy on the internet and they meet up.

They begin to see each other and spend a night together. Most of the film is about that night.

First we see the same things that the one guy sees. Then a little more. Finally even more. Half truths become, well, whole truths and the worst suspicions do not happen. Perhaps worse ones.

I am still quavering a bit.

Do I want to see this again? Not on your life. On the other hand, well, maybe, just to see how it was done.

Marcelo Briem Stamm is the director and I will be careful before I see another one of his films.

Well, not really. I do not normally go see a horror film and so I am a bit more vulnerable than I would like to think.

Keerist. It is still rocketing around in my head.

I should say that the men are extremely handsome and the sex scenes are very well done.

Which only adds to the scare factor!

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