
Thursday, November 06, 2014

Shifting the blame 

It is interesting to watch everyone trying to pin the bi-election losses on Obama.

The last time I looked he was not running.

Oh, sure, there is some effect from the White House but by and large it is not him the people are pissed at. It is everyone. Him, Congress, the whole sorry mess. It is the American Way.

Actually, it is my opinion that things are pretty good. People's happiness doesn't really depend on conditions. More a mood.

I think that we all forget who cast the votes in the first place. Who voted these rascals in?

Well, I will stand up and be counted.

I voted Obama in and I would do it again tomorrow. And the day after.

He has had an ugly mess to preside over and he has done it with grace and dignity.

I do not even blame Boehner or McConnell.

They preside over two bodies composed with rascals and incompetents.

Once again, the American Way.

The process of election guarantees amateurism. But the customs are strong and the system resilient. We have survived it all before. Year after year and we will do it again.

They do not call a President in Obama's situation a "lame duck" for nothing. He is doubly hampered by the knowledge that whatever rewards or punishment he could deliver are not very big and they are temporary.

I think that this is a nice time to let the caretakers caretake and to have a quiet time of it before the next big brawl which will certainly involve the Clintons. And if you think that they are sticking it to Obama, wait until the anti-Clinton tide is released from its holding position. Mixed metaphor. Tides do not have holding positions. But you get my drift.

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