
Sunday, November 23, 2014

Physics is funny, who thought? 

The ideas behind the Big Bang Theory are very well thought out. The cast brings those ideas to life.

The characters have a consistent world view, they are very well educated. They have great schtick (the actors actually). There is a strong sense of ensemble. Everyone feeds everyone else.

Mostly they do not talk down to the audience. They are easily identified types who happen to be physicists second and human first.

As a person trained as an engineer at MIT, I appreciate the room they provide for scientists and engineers to be well-liked. Good people first.

While they are stereotypical in a way, they are people who I would genuinely like to meet and be with. This is essential to any television success. Despite this, most of the tube people continually grind out silly cartoons of their idea of humanity.

Rant coming on.

Suffice to say that I cannot stand most television. Well, maybe documentaries.

The Big Bangers know about me somehow and seem dedicated to delivering a first class product for my benefit. I plan to see all eight seasons and keep on going.

I am in the second season and have completed the first three programs in the first disc.


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